
A Snowy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2014

Five years ago today, I was pouting in a log cabin in the middle of a state park on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia because it was my VERY first Valentine’s Day with Justin… but we couldn’t be together. I didn’t even have CELL PHONE service. For a lovesick 16-year-old, talk about depressing. Each year since, Justin and I have rarely been able to actually spend Valentine’s Day together. Even last year when I blogged about the surprise D.C. date he planned for us, it was a delayed celebration. Oh the adventures of being together but not yet really BEING together…! However… this year… for the first time EVER….. we will be having a date tonight… ON Valentine’s Day!! I’m so excited! Anytime we get to go on a date together is so much fun because it’s honestly so rare. I am a firm believer that nothing makes you appreciate and value something more than having to be super patient and WAIT for it. As hard as it is to even imagine right now, someday Justin and I will finally be living together. We’ll be able to spend snow days curled up on the couch watching movies and drinking hot chocolate with each other. And Valentine’s Day will probably be much, much easier to plan for. But if there’s one thing I know God wants for us right now, it’s to be still… to stop wishing for the future… and to just enjoy our now.

Valentine's Day Snow Shoot Session Winter Couple

As a dating couple rather than husband and wife (that makes me feel so old to even type!). I’m not sure why I feel the need to share this right now but it’s just something that’s been laid on my heart today… I know a few young Christian couples that are in the same boat as me and frankly, being patient can really suck sometimes. Somedays that word is a complete understatement and I just want to slam my bedroom door and cry out of frustration. But knowing I’m not alone in this waiting period is what keeps me strong! Knowing that Justin holds the same values and goals for our relationship that I do makes me feel so much better at the end of the day… and connecting with other couples who are (or were) in a situation similar to ours is so encouraging and uplifting.

Valentine's Day Snow Shoot Session Winter Couple

So… if you’re like me… dating someone you really, really love and just find it so hard to WAIT somedays for all the exciting things that come next… please know you’re not alone! And if you ever wanna talk, shoot me a message! I’d love to pass along the encouragement I’ve been so blessed to receive these past few weeks. As for today, I’m going to keep thanking God for everything he’s blessed us with these past four years. So many amazing memories and friendships and hard times that have made the life we share together so much more beautiful. To the love of my life, if you’re reading this… (I’m impressed you made it this far into the post, babe)… Happy Valentine’s Day. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. Here’s to hoping for many, many more Valentine’s Days together.

Valentine's Day Snow Shoot Session Winter Couple

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  1. Jasmin Williams says:

    omg megan lol so crazy that you guys are together . ahahahahaahh, omg this is so strange , in a wonderful and beautiful way. I’m happy for you, aw i miss you . its so crazy how you and i can barely talk yet i still feel as if we are close friends. so weird, congrats to you for waiting , aw aw hahah, I’m sure you’re used to my random comments lmao ok bye haha

    • Megan says:

      Awww Jasmin I just saw this! I’m so happy you read my blog! Lol. I know it’s so crazy that we were all the awkward middle schoolers just a few years ago… well, maybe more than a few!! I sooo hope we get to hang out again soon :))))

  2. Roy says:

    GOD BLESS You Both.
    You are So Sweet.
    What a Great thing to see on this Special day,
    True Love.

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