
A Day At The Elkhart County 4H Fair | Our 5th Indiana Summer Vacation

July 31, 2015

In the middle of eating our favorite grilled cheese in the world this year (more on that further in the post!), I turned to Justin and said, “WAIT… Is is your 5th year here at the fair?!?!” Oh my goodness how time flies. I can still remember the very first time I EVER experienced the Elkhart County 4H Fair. I was 8 years old, and I won Reserve Champion during Open Show at the Swine Arena. Yep. I showed a pig as an 8 year old… and placed! Which is quite hilarious because in the following five years that I would actually be in Swine Club, I never placed that high again! Haha!!

It’s a totally different world in Northern Indiana compared to the East Coast. The people are friendlier… life is a little slower… and the grass is greener, sun is brighter, and food much tastier!! Okay, now I’m exaggerating… ;) But we do love Indiana. I first got the chance to take Justin out to Elkhart (the town I lived in as a kid) in July of 2011. It was absolutely priceless getting to see my “city boy” of a boyfriend run around on the farm, ride a tractor, pet a goat, walk a pig, round up the cows… it was both entertaining and special. I can’t believe that was 4 years ago!

Our fifth year at the fair was a shorter experience because the fair was a week later this year, and so we had TONS of time to be lazy around the farm in the days leading up to the fair opening! :) I may or may not have had a check list for all the food we had to hit in our short time on the fairgrounds! We hit almost all 15 items!!! I only brought my camera one day (because I tend to get pretty distracted/slow when I have that thing on me!) but I’m so glad I finally got to document what a day at the fair looks like. Enjoy this little peak into life at the Elkhart County 4H Fair!!! Caution: Junk food cravings may occur as a result of viewing this post. You’ve been warned.

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Ohhhh Food Row… I’m not sure you’ve ever had a banner hanging up like this to notify everyone of your greatness, but it is much deserved. So much deliciousness down this street.

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There are tons of cars all around the fairgrounds and Justin was happy to see this Subie!

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The goat barn!!! Yes it’s that exciting.

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Across from the goat barn is AG Hall, where my cousins veggies were on display! She won Champion! :)

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We always take a picture by this sign!! I think we have one from every year… I’d just have to track them down!

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Our first stop was the pork producers tent for some mouth-watering pulled pork. YUM. I want to go back.

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As we walked off our pulled pork sandwiches to make room for our next meal, we found this awesome old fire engine!

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It was right by Young McDonald’s Farm, which has tons of baby animals… including these little potbelly pigs and a baby donkey :) (At least I’m pretty sure that’s what it is! Maybe a colt??!)

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FOOD ROUND 2: Grilled cheese from the Dairy Bar. So. Good. Just imagine crispy bread slathered in butter on all sides and loaded with sharp cheddar cheese…. YUM.

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Just look how the cheese pulls apart. This cheese is made by a local Amish cheese factory and it is to die for.

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We also had some ice cream… and tamales….. and egg rolls and fried rice.

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Food Row…. one of our favorite places in the world!

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Off to the horses! This used to be Justin’s favorite spot back in the day! :)

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I clearly belong in a barn. #NaturalHabitat.

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And then we went to look at more cars…. and I hopped into one and had a mini-photo shoot.
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Then… it was elephant ear time. Now, I usually don’t include these on my list of fair foods… but I’m SO glad we got one this year!!!

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So excited about our elephant ear.

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I love this guy so much.

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Another successful year at the fair has come and gone… and though I’m still trying to cleanse my system of all the trans fat I consumed last week, it was totally and completely worth it!!! I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it to the fair next year, so here’s to the past five amazing summers spent eating delicious food, spending time with family, and wandering around these fairgrounds together. I love you!!

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