I am so excited to share this very first interview-style episode for Kick It Up podcast! We honestly could not have had a sweeter, wiser guest to interview about the vision behind branding and marketing for creative businesses. Callie is not only an incredibly talented (and super successful) wedding photographer, she is also an educator, a workshop host, a retreat leader, and one of the best, most genuine friends I’ve ever had. She is a GIFT, y’all. Her Southern hospitality is one of my favorite things about her, and you can just hear it in her voice!
Callie and I joked that we wish we could just record one of our phone calls and let you all eavesdrop because our convos are always SO. GOOD… and this podcast felt just like that! It didn’t take long for us to dive deep and get to the heart of the matter when it comes to growing our businesses and not just balancing but truly integrating our work spaces and personal lives.
In this interview, we talk about…
- Starting over vs. “starting again”
- How not to lose sight of WHY you started
- Creating word-of-mouth referrals through the art of service
- Our branded selves vs. our “real life” selves
- Delayed gratification in business & in our personal lives
…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Really, this episode is like a pep talk/workshop wrapped up into one solid hour of content. I think I’ll want to listen to this several times a week just to keep my head and heart in the right space as we gear up for 2020. It’s just so good. I’m so excited for you to listen to it!
Click HERE to tune in and catch up with the stunningly gorgeous and extremely wise Callie Lindsey on all things branding & marketing!
Be sure to give her a warm welcome by following along with her photography and travel journeys on Instagram or her website, www.callielindseyphotography.com!