
Christmas in Europe Part IV: Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, & Paul’s Outside the Walls | ROME, Italy

January 27, 2015

Ahhh! We’re finally getting to the craziest, busiest, most exciting parts of the trip! Germany was super relaxing and we spent a lot of time with family and friends just enjoying the rare moments we get to spend together. When we packed our bags back up and flew to Rome, that changed!!! We visited our good friends, the Dibert family, who graciously opened up their apartment to the five of us… after six of them were already sleeping there! Only one person had to sleep on the floor (thanks Christian)!! ;) We arrived late in the evening on Monday, December 29th and the first thing I noticed when we were landing was how close we were to the ocean. I had no idea Rome was that close to the coast! After a few mishaps getting from the tarmac to the gate, waiting 30 minutes for our bags, and thinking our rental car was broken because it was a super fancy Audi that we had no idea how to work, we finally made it to the Dibert’s home. We didn’t get much sleep that first night because we got up so early the next morning! First stop, Vatican City!!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

SURREAL. I always think of the Vatican as the building that collapses in all the end-of-the-world movies. It actually looked much smaller in person!!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Annnnd this time, we had some friends from home to explore with!! SO FUN!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Then we walked over to Castel San Angelo… (probably wrong on the name but I can’t remember, too many places!)

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

This city is much flatter than I imagined, but beautiful!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Christian and Justin decided it was time to make fun of me and my poses…

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Rome = statues. Just tons and tons of statues.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

The view from the top of the fotress!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

This place was really old… everything in Rome was really old. That’s what made it fascinating!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Anni with St. Peter’s Basilica in the back!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

This bird was so funny!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

The castle from another view…

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

My favorite part of Rome was the alleys for sure!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

THE PIZZZAAAA…. it can’t even be called pizza in my opinion… it’s nothing at all like what we consider pizza in America!!! I think it should be an entirely different food group!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Then it was off to the Pantheon! I know very little about Roman history besides their persecution of the Christians… but apparently this place was pretty important at one point in time ;)

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

So cool!!! Actually reminds me a lot of the inside of our monuments here in DC!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Lots of street vendors in Rome…

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

And then… the Trevi Fountain!!!! LOL.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

It was clearly not in working order… but we threw coins anyway ;)

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

We got to see it closer than most people ever do. #Brightside

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

More statues. Seriously every courtyard, every little nook and cranny… there’s a statue.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

These streets….

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

GELATOOOO! I had nutella… so good!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

Did I mention the fountains? Statues and fountains. Rome in a nutshell.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

The Spanish Steps!! We seriously did so much in one day. Haha! The steps were in really dark light. The light was super… directional (?) in Rome… it was either blindingly bright or in a really dark, cold shadow with the background completely blown out. Haha. I’d love to see it in summer!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

We ended the day at Paul’s Outside the Walls. This was REALLY cool because it’s believed to be the site of the Apostle Paul’s remains!!! WHAT?! I’ve never come so close to Biblical history… it was really, really cool.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

The little chapels that branch out of this church were really pretty, too! Rome has got its church game down to a science…

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy
Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

These are supposedly the chains that Paul was bound by when he was executed. SO. COOL.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

And on the right is where Paul is buried (down in the little cove). They actually dated the bones and they date back to the time he would have been alive. CRAZY.

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy

And that was the end of our first day in Rome! It actually reminded me a little bit of Florida with the way the trees looked and the architecture of the buildings… just the overall style of the city… it was pretty neat. Next post: The Colosseum and the Roman Forum!!!

Megan Kelsey Photography Christmas in Europe Vatican City Trevi Fountain Paul's Outside the Walls Rome Italy


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